Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Persuasive Essay: Evaluating Ads

           'Mini but Mighty', it attracts the customer who need a small phone with lots of applications. This ad is trying to introduce the phone to the public. It aims at people who ca afford, middle class people. The ad focuses on the mobile with a finger on it to show that the phone is small. There is a paper near the phone which is drawn as a picture of the applications in the phone. The ads prove to be good to customer in showing the mobile that is small, but they didn't show clearly what the paper at the back is for.

           This ad shows repetition with word of the brand, "Sony Ericsson". This make the customer remember the brand name well. The word is shown on many part of the page. This grabs more attention of the people that are looking at it. This ad is on the football magazine called FourFourTwo.
           The composition of the ad is done quite well. If the people would see this at first sight, they will get caught by the image of the finger that is touching the phone. The background of the page is not focus, so this make the phone very attracted. There are some sentences which describe the phone. The colors are also very bright on the mobile comparing to the background. The phone is about 3 fingers big.
           The ad also include association to influence more people. The technique that they use to convince people is logos. The ad provide facts and reason to buy the product. They are consider 'plain folks' and 'bribery'. The product are good enough for ordinary people. They provide extra things like headphones.

           The ads also has negative aspect, omission. The ad has no price written on it. If the price was written on it, it could make people to decide. They should have told he size of the screen and a little bit more details of the phone.
           There are also confusion in the ad. The paper on the ad does not indicate properly what it is for. More clarification should be made on this part of the ad. People could be confused with what they are tryig to show.

           The ads prove to be good to customer in showing the mobile that is small, but they didn't show clearly what the paper at the back was for. I think this ad doesn't convince or persuade people to buy. The details are too less. Prices have not been included. The paper at the back which looks attractive and important has not been clarified.

1 comment:

  1. - where is the ad?
    -with a few grammatical errors, but tolerable
    (pay attention to your subject-verb agreement)

