Sunday, September 26, 2010

Coming to school late

  "Where is your late slip? Go get your late slip now!" I believed teachers got boring saying this to the students every morning. Nowadays, the problem to many teenagers is that they are coming late to school. The most common reason for coming late is having poor organization (Dark Syde, 2010.) Students always relax at home and when it is the last minute, they don't have enough time to travel. This effects each individual's school record. If student get bad record during the school life, it would effect their work in the future. This essay is based on my problem about coming to school late, which were caused by waking up late, problems with transportation, and poor management of time. I should manage my time wisely, and prepare myself the night before.

          To have this problem solve, I have to look why this problems happen. The most common problem for me is waking up late or lazy to wake up. That's because I always stayed up late at night, so I didn't have enough sleep and want to continue sleeping. To solve this problem, I should sleep earlier than before. Students need at least ten hours to sleep a day. (Dark syde, 2010.) When I hear my alarm clock, I shouldn't close it and continue sleeping. If I need to wake up at 6o'clock, I should sleep at about 9p.m., this will make my body stay healthy too! When the alarm clock starts ringing, I shouldn't say "another five minutes more" and continue sleeping. Only 5minutes can make me late.

          Another solution is I should manage my time wisely, so I can have enough time to take a shower, to eat breakfast, and to call a taxi. If I don't manage my time, I would end up eating breakfast, when the school bell rings. What I need to do is, calculate how much time I need for taking a shower, eating my breakfast, and calling for a taxi. Then add about 10 to 15 minutes to that time, in case there is an accident or there is no taxi. I also need to be prepare at night, so I wouldn't be wasting time on arranging my bag or finding my school uniform.

          The common solution that will not work is that thinking that I will not be late for school, but I haven't done anything different. I am just thinking that I will wake up early tomorrow, but when the alarm clock rings, I continue to sleep. That doesn't work. When I change to sleep earlier, I don't feel sleepy when I wake up. I feel fresh and I can concentrate on my study because I get enough sleep and also I don't be late for school. So, the best way that I could do is to sleep early, and to manage my time wisely. This two solutions need to go together because if I sleep early but take 20minutes taking a shower, that wouldn't help if I only wake up early. If I learn how to manage my time, it would also help me in the future. My record would be good, so when I find my jobs, I would have a credit for it.

Darksyde. What is the major reason why students come late in school. Retrieved September 20,2010,

     _come_late_in_school. 2010

J. Whay students are late in coming to school. Retrieved September 2010,
    from qid=
      20070629223123AAYTZML. 2007.


  1. Evaluation
    The thesis statement is mentioned and stated cleary. There are intext citation included in the essay. Bibliography had been written in APA format. The introduction, body, and conclusion are completed and organized. The grammar, vocabulary, and spelling had been corrected.

    Thesis statement (2)
    Bibliography & intext citation (2)
    Introduction,Body,Conclusion (1)
    Grammar (1)
    Vocabulary (1)
    Spelling (1)
    Introduction,Body,Conclusion (2)

  2. I would like to correct this evaluation, in terms of grammar, there are still some uncorrected errors. Mispelled words are everywhere. Everything else is good. Marks will be deducted from the grade of the one who evaluated this. You get 8!

  3. I have done some correction:

    "Where is your late slip? Go get your late slip now!" I believe teachers got boring saying this to the students every morning. Nowadays, the problem to many teenagers is that they are coming late to school. The most common reason for coming late is having poor organization. (Dark Syde, 2010.) Students always relax at home and when it is the last minute, they don't have enough time to travel. This effects each individual's school record. If student get bad record during the school life, it would effect their work in the future. This essay is based on my problem about coming to school late, which was caused by waking up late, problems with transportation, and poor management of time. I should manage my time wisely, and prepare myself the night before.

    To have this problem solve, I have to look why these problems happen. The most common problem for me is waking up late or lazy to wake up. That's because I always stayed up late at night, so I didn't have enough sleep and want to continue sleeping. To solve this problem, I should sleep earlier than before. Students need at least ten hours to sleep a day. (Dark syde, 2010.) When I hear my alarm clock, I shouldn't close it and sleep. If I need to wake up at 6o'clock, I should sleep at about 9p.m., this will make my body stay healthy too! When the alarm clock starts ringing, I shouldn't say "another five minutes more" and continue to sleep. Only five minutes can make me late.

    Another solution is I should manage my time wisely, so I can have enough time to take a shower, to eat breakfast, and to call a taxi. If I don't manage my time, I would end up eating breakfast, when the school bell rings. What I need to do is calculate how much time I need for taking a shower, eating my breakfast, and calling for a taxi. Then add about 10 to 15 minutes to that time, in case there is an accident or there is no taxi. I also need to be prepare at night, so I wouldn't be wasting time on arranging my bag or finding my school uniform.

    The common solution that will not work is thinking that I will not be late for school, but I haven't done anything different. I am just thinking that I will wake up early tomorrow, but when the alarm clock rings, I continue to sleep. That doesn't work. When I sleep earlier, I wouldn’t feel sleepy when I wake up. I feel fresh and I can concentrate more on my study because I get enough sleep and I won’t be late for school. So, the best way that I could do is to sleep early, and to manage my time wisely. These two solutions need to go together because if I sleep early but take 20minutes taking a shower, that wouldn't help if I only wake up early. If I learn how to manage my time, it would also help me in the future. My record would be good, so when I find my jobs, I would have a credit for it.

  4. I don't see any correction of the grammatical mistakes you have in your old version. You should've underlined the corrected ones. We'll talk in class.
