Monday, December 13, 2010

Complaint Letter

Kavin Krishnan
55/1 Ladprao soi 55
Bangkok, 10240

November 25, 2010

Manager Takaeda Hoshiro
666/19 Ladprao 131, Bangkok 10240

Dear Mr.Takaeda

On November 21, 2010 I bought a fan, model H-10226 from Hitachi store in the amount of 700 baht. I have enclosed the receipts of the product.

I bought the fan from the store and when I reached home, I immediately fixed it and turn it on. When I turned the fan on, the neck of the fan could not turn.

It would be nice if you send me a new fan within 3 days. I would like you to give me a free delivery charge too. If there is any problem please contact 081-999-2244.

Thank you for your time acknowledging this message and care for this matter.


Kavin Krishnan

Friday, December 10, 2010

Complaint Letter

Panicha Meesitita
555 Wow Road,
Wonderful city, 12345

November 25, 2010

Customer Services Manager
Nowhere, somewhere 67890

Dear Customer Services Manager:

On November 20, 2010 I ordered a black refrigerator Samsung Star G60 for 25,000Baht from Central Wow to be sent to my house on November 23, 2010. I have enclosed copies of my receipt of purchased.

I have received the product on that date but what I got was a white color refrigerator. I told the delivery man about it, but he said he followed the order list.

It would be nice if I will receive my refrigerator as soon as possible. Please send it to the same address, with free delivery fees. Contact 080-123-4567 for more information.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Panicha Meesitita

Friday, November 19, 2010

Persuasive Essay: Evaluating Ads

          "Lose yourself with the Samsung Wave Smartphone," consumers are attracted at their first look at the advertisement. This print ad introduces Samsung mobile phone. The ad uses bright color background that make the phone at the center stands out. The picture of a person's eye looking down at the phone attracts lot of people to read this ad. This ad is use to make the product be known to the people and to put it in the market to compete against other competitions. It was introduces to people who are interested in buying phones, and working adults who can afford, This ad has both positive and negative aspects, the positive aspects are repetition, composition, and association. While the negative aspects of omission and diversion.

          This ad shows many repetitions, which is a kind of positive persuasive technique. The name of the brand, "Samsung" is repeated for 6times. It is repeated for many times so that it would be recognized to people. "Samsung Wave Smartphone," the name of the phone is repeated for 2times. The name of the movie, "The hangover" is also repeated for 2times. The name of this movie is repeated, so that people will be interested in watching this movie on the phone. This advertisement is place at Samsung shop in different Malls and also on television.

          The advertiser has organizes the ad's composition well. It uses light blue colored background, with the picture of the mobile at the center of the page. The background color makes the mobile stand outs. As the reader turns the page, he could be attracted to the picture of a person's eye at the top of the page, looking down at the phone. The fonts are easy to read with different sizes. Important words or slogan are in big size, so people could see and recognize it easily. The brand name of the product is place at the bottom right of the page, where reader usually turns the page. As he flips to the next page, he would recognize the name.

          The ad also uses association, which shows the techniques that are use to convince people. Pathos, logos, and ethos are all presented in the ad. The picture of a person's eye gives different feelings to different people. The ad also tells the reader about the phone, it is written in small fonts for people who are interested. There is a picture of a part of a movie "The Hangover" which is put in the phone, to show that the phone can watch movie. "Lose yourself with Samsung Wave Smartphone," the slogan is print in big fonts under the picture of the mobile. Both slogan and transfer are use as a persuasive technique of this ad. The ad uses positive words, images, and ideas that are positive about the product.

          The ad also has the negative aspects which are omission and diversion. There is no price stated, so people don’t know how much it would be. The materials are not there and also no warranty. The ad uses pictures that drag people away from thinking about the negative point. Readers may have the negative point in mind, but as looking at the ad, he gets attracted to the picture and forgets what he thinks.

          This advertisement is not effective. There are lots of positive aspects, but it doesn't convince people. The ad doesn't show that the product is more special than other brand. The information needed is not there. To improve this ad, there should be more pictures about the phone, tell more about the functions, so people can have more idea about it. Put the prices so people can decide if they can afford. The ad should shows that this phone is better than other phone.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Persuasive Essay: Evaluating Ads

           'Mini but Mighty', it attracts the customer who need a small phone with lots of applications. This ad is trying to introduce the phone to the public. It aims at people who ca afford, middle class people. The ad focuses on the mobile with a finger on it to show that the phone is small. There is a paper near the phone which is drawn as a picture of the applications in the phone. The ads prove to be good to customer in showing the mobile that is small, but they didn't show clearly what the paper at the back is for.

           This ad shows repetition with word of the brand, "Sony Ericsson". This make the customer remember the brand name well. The word is shown on many part of the page. This grabs more attention of the people that are looking at it. This ad is on the football magazine called FourFourTwo.
           The composition of the ad is done quite well. If the people would see this at first sight, they will get caught by the image of the finger that is touching the phone. The background of the page is not focus, so this make the phone very attracted. There are some sentences which describe the phone. The colors are also very bright on the mobile comparing to the background. The phone is about 3 fingers big.
           The ad also include association to influence more people. The technique that they use to convince people is logos. The ad provide facts and reason to buy the product. They are consider 'plain folks' and 'bribery'. The product are good enough for ordinary people. They provide extra things like headphones.

           The ads also has negative aspect, omission. The ad has no price written on it. If the price was written on it, it could make people to decide. They should have told he size of the screen and a little bit more details of the phone.
           There are also confusion in the ad. The paper on the ad does not indicate properly what it is for. More clarification should be made on this part of the ad. People could be confused with what they are tryig to show.

           The ads prove to be good to customer in showing the mobile that is small, but they didn't show clearly what the paper at the back was for. I think this ad doesn't convince or persuade people to buy. The details are too less. Prices have not been included. The paper at the back which looks attractive and important has not been clarified.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Computer Addiction

           "Why did I sleep late every night?" asking myself. I know you are wondering like I do. The main reason for this problem would be using too much computer. Nowadays, computer contains all kind of entertainment for every age level. Most people are addicted to computer, which cause them a serious problem at home, at school and their physical symptoms, and these problems can be prevented by managing your time wisely.

           Computer addiction can cause a serious problem. "At home, a mother has difficulty getting her child to do chores when computer games occupy all after school" (Maressa Hecht Orzack, 2003). I agree with this statement because sometime it also happens to me. Whenever I play a game that I like, I will play it continually for about 4 to 5 hours, even though I have not finish my homework yet. Another serious problem is a physical symptoms. According to Maressa Hecht Orzach (2003), using too much computer can cause a dry eyes, migraine headaches, back aches, eating irregularities, and sleep disturbances. All these problems occur because of computer addiction.

           Most people are addicted to computer, and there are two main ways to prevent these serious problems from using too much computer. First of all, "consider why you are using the computer if your usage becomes excessive. Boredom, anxiety, and depression are common reasons to overuse the computer. Work through these emotions if this is true" (Leigh Wittman, 2009). This is important to me because most of the time when I'm back home, I will open my computer immediately without knowing that what will I use it for. Another solution is by placing a reasonable limits on the computer usage. According to Wittman (2009), we should decide what is a reasonable time based upon a daily schedule. In my case as a student, I should manage my time, like an hour on school days and two hours on weekends.

            I recommend to use a second solution to this problem, which is placing a reasonable limits on computer usage. This solution will help you control and manage your time. In the future, you would be get use of using computer like one hour a day, and you will try not to use it more than that. In the first solution, it might not be much accurate because you know why you are using computer, but you can't manage your time properly. Once you can't manage your time properly, you will get to overuse the computer. The only way you can solve this problem is to work hard on it.

Coming to school late

  "Where is your late slip? Go get your late slip now!" I believed teachers got boring saying this to the students every morning. Nowadays, the problem to many teenagers is that they are coming late to school. The most common reason for coming late is having poor organization (Dark Syde, 2010.) Students always relax at home and when it is the last minute, they don't have enough time to travel. This effects each individual's school record. If student get bad record during the school life, it would effect their work in the future. This essay is based on my problem about coming to school late, which were caused by waking up late, problems with transportation, and poor management of time. I should manage my time wisely, and prepare myself the night before.

          To have this problem solve, I have to look why this problems happen. The most common problem for me is waking up late or lazy to wake up. That's because I always stayed up late at night, so I didn't have enough sleep and want to continue sleeping. To solve this problem, I should sleep earlier than before. Students need at least ten hours to sleep a day. (Dark syde, 2010.) When I hear my alarm clock, I shouldn't close it and continue sleeping. If I need to wake up at 6o'clock, I should sleep at about 9p.m., this will make my body stay healthy too! When the alarm clock starts ringing, I shouldn't say "another five minutes more" and continue sleeping. Only 5minutes can make me late.

          Another solution is I should manage my time wisely, so I can have enough time to take a shower, to eat breakfast, and to call a taxi. If I don't manage my time, I would end up eating breakfast, when the school bell rings. What I need to do is, calculate how much time I need for taking a shower, eating my breakfast, and calling for a taxi. Then add about 10 to 15 minutes to that time, in case there is an accident or there is no taxi. I also need to be prepare at night, so I wouldn't be wasting time on arranging my bag or finding my school uniform.

          The common solution that will not work is that thinking that I will not be late for school, but I haven't done anything different. I am just thinking that I will wake up early tomorrow, but when the alarm clock rings, I continue to sleep. That doesn't work. When I change to sleep earlier, I don't feel sleepy when I wake up. I feel fresh and I can concentrate on my study because I get enough sleep and also I don't be late for school. So, the best way that I could do is to sleep early, and to manage my time wisely. This two solutions need to go together because if I sleep early but take 20minutes taking a shower, that wouldn't help if I only wake up early. If I learn how to manage my time, it would also help me in the future. My record would be good, so when I find my jobs, I would have a credit for it.

Darksyde. What is the major reason why students come late in school. Retrieved September 20,2010,

     _come_late_in_school. 2010

J. Whay students are late in coming to school. Retrieved September 2010,
    from qid=
      20070629223123AAYTZML. 2007.

Procrastination in doing homework

Procrastination in doing homework   

Everyone hates homework. Why do we need to do homework? students always have problem complaining about homework because of theirlaziness. This essay will be about solution to procastination in doing himework. Procrastination means to delay, it occurs when student send their homework late because they’re lazy to do their homework. Procastination in doing homework happens because of children’s laziness, it can be solved by setting rules at home for the children to do their homework.
As what I’ve said, procastination occurs because of children’s laziness, it can be solved by setting rules or time in your house. According to Moorman and Halter (2010), one should set a time to do his or her homework and use that time everyday. This isnot only for one to do his or her homework but it can make one become responsible person. Ona can also set rules in hir or her house example on 8:00 p.m., one need to do hor her homework.
Another solution according to family-homework-answer (2008-20090 is to do “Homework Sandwiches”. Homework Sandwiches can be done to make one to do his or her homework without any stress. Homework sandwich is when one do something before doing his or her homework and after to make him or her to feel fun of doing it. Some idea of homework sandwiches given are to play video games for 15 minutes, do his or her homework then shoot hoops with dad or talk to the phone for 20 minutes to whom ever one wants, do his or her homework then continue to talk to the phone. This idea is similar to setting rules but homework sandwich helps one to feel more fun in doing homework than setting rules.
In conclusion, I think do something before doing homework will not work eventhough it helps one to do his or her homework but it won’t make one to do his or her homework properly because one will think of what his or her is going to do after he or she do homework, so he or she will be in rush. I think setting rules will be the best solution. It helps one to do his or her homework and be responsib;e person in the same time and one can also do his or her homework properly without rushing.

Homework Sanwiches: Nutitious and Delicious from
       2008-2009 . Found
                on September 20, 2010
Moorman and Halter. Hoe to make your kids do homework, parenting with purpose from
       nd. Found on September
                20, 2010